DateLocale |
DateLocale() GetDayAbb() GetLongMonthName() GetMonth() GetShortDay() GetShortMonth() GetShortMonthName() Set() |
To help with this JpGraph instantiates the global variable $gDateLocale which can be used to access the methods.
A quick example could be to for example get hold of the shortform of the names of the month to use as labels. By default this is set to the dafult locale for the installation.
// Get localized array of short form of month names $months = $gDateLocale->GetShortMonth();
Return array with day abbreviation in the current locale.
Get long month name for the specified month
Argument | Default | Description |
$aNbr | Number of month [0-11] |
Get array of all month names
Return an array with all weekdays in the short form.
Short month description
Return the short month name for the specified month.
Argument | Default | Description |
$aNbr | Number of month [0-11] |
Set locale
Argument | Default | Description |
$aLocale | Locale |
af_ZA | ar_AE | ar_AE.utf8 | ||
ar_BH | ar_BH | ar_BH.utf8 | ar_DZ | ar_DZ.utf8 |
ar_EG | ar_EG | ar_EG.utf8 | ar_IN | ar_IQ |
ar_IQ.utf8 | ar_IQ.utf8 | ar_JO | ar_JO.utf8 | ar_KW |
ar_KW.utf8 | ar_KW.utf8 | ar_LB | ar_LB.utf8 | ar_LY |
ar_LY.utf8 | ar_LY.utf8 | ar_MA | ar_MA.utf8 | ar_OM |
ar_OM.utf8 | ar_OM.utf8 | ar_QA | ar_QA.utf8 | ar_SA |
ar_SA.utf8 | ar_SA.utf8 | ar_SD | ar_SD.utf8 | ar_SY |
ar_SY.utf8 | ar_SY.utf8 | ar_TN | ar_TN.utf8 | ar_YE |
ar_YE.utf8 | ar_YE.utf8 | be_BY | be_BY.utf8 | bg_BG |
bg_BG.utf8 | bg_BG.utf8 | bokmal | bokm?l | br_FR |
bs_BA | bs_BA | ca_ES | ca_ES.utf8 | ca_ES@euro |
catalan | catalan | croatian | cs_CZ | cs_CZ.utf8 |
cy_GB | cy_GB | czech | da_DK | da_DK.utf8 |
danish | danish | dansk | de_AT | de_AT.utf8 |
de_AT@euro | de_AT@euro | de_BE | de_BE@euro | de_CH |
de_CH.utf8 | de_CH.utf8 | de_DE | de_DE.utf8 | de_DE@euro |
de_LU | de_LU | de_LU.utf8 | de_LU@euro | deutsch |
dutch | dutch | eesti | el_GR | el_GR.utf8 |
en_AU | en_AU | en_AU.utf8 | en_BE | en_BE.utf8 |
en_BE@euro | en_BE@euro | en_BW | en_CA | en_CA.utf8 |
en_DK | en_DK | en_GB | en_GB.utf8 | en_HK |
en_IE | en_IE | en_IE.utf8 | en_IE@euro | en_IN |
en_NZ | en_NZ | en_NZ.utf8 | en_PH | en_SG |
en_US | en_US | en_US.utf8 | en_ZA | en_ZA.utf8 |
en_ZW | en_ZW | es_AR | es_AR.utf8 | es_BO |
es_BO.utf8 | es_BO.utf8 | es_CL | es_CL.utf8 | es_CO |
es_CO.utf8 | es_CO.utf8 | es_CR | es_CR.utf8 | es_DO |
es_DO.utf8 | es_DO.utf8 | es_EC | es_EC.utf8 | es_ES |
es_ES.utf8 | es_ES.utf8 | es_ES@euro | es_GT | es_GT.utf8 |
es_HN | es_HN | es_HN.utf8 | es_MX | es_MX.utf8 |
es_NI | es_NI | es_NI.utf8 | es_PA | es_PA.utf8 |
es_PE | es_PE | es_PE.utf8 | es_PR | es_PR.utf8 |
es_PY | es_PY | es_PY.utf8 | es_SV | es_SV.utf8 |
es_US | es_US | es_UY | es_UY.utf8 | es_VE |
es_VE.utf8 | es_VE.utf8 | estonian | et_EE | et_EE.utf8 |
eu_ES | eu_ES | eu_ES@euro | fa_IR.utf8 | fi_FI |
fi_FI.utf8 | fi_FI.utf8 | fi_FI@euro | finnish | fo_FO |
fo_FO.utf8 | fo_FO.utf8 | fr_BE | fr_BE.utf8 | fr_BE@euro |
fr_CA | fr_CA | fr_CA.utf8 | fr_CH | fr_CH.utf8 |
fr_FR | fr_FR | fr_FR.utf8 | fr_FR@euro | fr_LU |
fr_LU.utf8 | fr_LU.utf8 | fr_LU@euro | fran?ais | french |
ga_IE | ga_IE | ga_IE.utf8 | ga_IE@euro | galego |
galician | galician | german | gl_ES | gl_ES.utf8 |
gl_ES@euro | gl_ES@euro | greek | gv_GB | he_IL |
he_IL.utf8 | he_IL.utf8 | hebrew | hi_IN.utf8 | hr_HR |
hr_HR.utf8 | hr_HR.utf8 | hrvatski | hu_HU | hu_HU.utf8 |
hungarian | hungarian | icelandic | id_ID | id_ID.utf8 |
is_IS | is_IS | is_IS.utf8 | it_CH | it_CH.utf8 |
it_IT | it_IT | it_IT.utf8 | it_IT@euro | italian |
iw_IL | iw_IL | ja_JP | ja_JP.eucjp | ja_JP.sjis |
ja_JP.ujis | ja_JP.ujis | ja_JP.utf8 | japanese | japanese.euc |
japanese.sjis | japanese.sjis | ka_GE | kl_GL | kl_GL.utf8 |
ko_KR | ko_KR | ko_KR.euckr | ko_KR.utf8 | korean |
korean.euc | korean.euc | kw_GB | lithuanian | lt_LT |
lt_LT.utf8 | lt_LT.utf8 | lv_LV | lv_LV.utf8 | mi_NZ |
mk_MK | mk_MK | mk_MK.utf8 | mr_IN.utf8 | ms_MY |
mt_MT | mt_MT | nb_NO | nb_NO.ISO-8859-1 | nl_BE |
nl_BE.utf8 | nl_BE.utf8 | nl_BE@euro | nl_NL | nl_NL.utf8 |
nl_NL@euro | nl_NL@euro | nn_NO | no_NO | no_NO.utf8 |
norwegian | norwegian | nynorsk | oc_FR | pl_PL |
pl_PL.utf8 | pl_PL.utf8 | polish | portuguese | pt_BR |
pt_BR.utf8 | pt_BR.utf8 | pt_PT | pt_PT.utf8 | pt_PT@euro |
ro_RO | ro_RO | ro_RO.utf8 | romanian | ru_RU |
ru_RU.koi8r | ru_RU.koi8r | ru_RU.utf8 | ru_UA | russian |
sh_YU | sh_YU | sh_YU.utf8 | sk_SK | sk_SK.utf8 |
sl_SI | sl_SI | sl_SI.utf8 | slovak | slovene |
slovenian | slovenian | spanish | sq_AL | sq_AL.utf8 |
sr_YU | sr_YU | sr_YU.utf8 | sr_YU@cyrillic | sv_FI |
sv_FI.utf8 | sv_FI.utf8 | sv_FI@euro | sv_SE | sv_SE.utf8 |
swedish | swedish | ta_IN | te_IN | tg_TJ |
th_TH | th_TH | th_TH.utf8 | thai | tl_PH |
tr_TR | tr_TR | tr_TR.utf8 | turkish | uk_UA |
uk_UA.utf8 | uk_UA.utf8 | ur_PK | uz_UZ | vi_VN |
vi_VN.utf8 | vi_VN.utf8 | yi_US | zh_CN | zh_CN.gb18030 |
zh_CN.gbk | zh_CN.gbk | zh_CN.utf8 | zh_HK | zh_HK.utf8 |
zh_TW | zh_TW | zh_TW.euctw | zh_TW.utf8 |