id: 23416
Title: Governance and regulation as an indispensable condition for developing the potential of rural areas = Управління та регулювання як неодмінна умова розвитку потенціалу сільських територій
Authors: Mazur K., Tomashuk I.
Keywords: rural areas, development management, reform, state support, decentralization, modernization
Date of publication: 2020-02-04 14:25:22
Last changes: 2020-02-04 14:25:22
Year of publication: 2019
Summary: Abstract. The subject of the study is the rural territories and settlements of the country, which are influenced by the conflicting processes of reforming the economic basis of their development, which increases the uncertainty and causes the emergence of social risks in terms of organization of economic activity and obtaining the required level of labor income and, accordingly, the level and quality of life. The current transformational changes in rural areas, amid the processes of decentralization of the current management system, create new conditions that are more or less conducive to the successful organization of rural residents` livelihoods. The urgent task of today is to study the practical problem of the effective development of rural territories, the insufficiency of its development and the complex tasks of revitalization of rural territories of their resource potential in the context of intra-regional features of rural development, which is the basis for carrying out scientific research in accordance with these topics. The purpose of the study is to explore ways to solve problems of regional development, especially rural development, which has never been neglected by economic science, since sustainable development of the country and its regions is impossible without the social revival of the village. Also, a comprehensive theoretical and practical study of issues of management and state regulation of rural development, in particular, the substantiation of socio-economic and environmental problems of the development of the Ukrainian village, the isolation of rural areas, the formation of organizational and economic mechanism of state support for their development and implementation of modern state agricultural policy. Methodology. The problematic of the development of the potential of rural territories is based on the use of multifaceted scientific methods of knowledge of phenomena and processes. Application of statistical methodology in the process of analyzing the dynamics and tendencies of rural development, the effective functioning of agriculture, which is the basis for the study of problems of rural development in general. Economic and statistical research is based on specific techniques, the totality of which forms the methodology of statistics (methods of mass observations, groupings, generalizations, time series, index method, etc.). Results. In the conditions of formation of market relations in rural areas, especially in the period of economic instability in the country, the study of preconditions for ensuring balanced potential of rural development on the basis of internally oriented motivational factors, justification of priority types of economic activity of rural territories of the region with observance of ecological requirements becomes extremely relevant. One of the main areas of reform of the regional development management mechanism is the development of local initiative. The practical implementation is to use the method of delegation of authority as one way of establishing the competence of local public authorities, which is an important part of the decentralization of the executive power, and is of great importance for all processes of the rule of law and, in particular, for improving the efficiency of the local government system. public authority. The Institute of Delegation of Authority in the current context is important for the functioning of public authority in rural areas. In addition, the introduction of a programmatic targeting method in the budgetary process of rural development will help to ensure transparency of the budgetary process, which will clearly define the goals and objectives for which the budgetary resources of the region are spent, which in turn will increase the level of control over the results of implementation of budgetary programs. This approach will improve the quality of fiscal policy-making, the efficiency of distribution and the use of budgetary resources in rural areas.Value / Originality. State policy in Ukraine on regulating the potential of land relations should be aimed at solving the organizational and legal problems that have accumulated in recent years and to address the social negatives of land transformation in the countryside.
Publication type: Статті Web of Science Core Collection
Publication: Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. - 2019. - Vol. 5, No. 5, December. - S. 67-68.
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Published by: Адміністратор
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