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id: 32625
Title: Improved method of brewing peanut mouth with blending fruit drink of a high degree of readiness
Authors: Zahorulko A., Zagorulko A., Mikhaylov V., Rudska N., Dmytrevskyi D., Ibaiev E., Tytarenko N.
Keywords: Peanut paste, fruit and vegetable semi-finished product, Jerusalem artichoke, cranberry, functional physiological ingredients, concentration
Date of publication: 2023-03-20 08:17:01
Last changes: 2023-03-20 08:17:01
Year of publication: 2023
Summary: The method of production of peanut paste with blended fruit and vegetable semi-finished products of high degree of readi- ness based on Jerusalem artichoke and cranberry obtained under conditions of low-temperature concentration has been improved. The production method is characterized by the process of concentration in a rotary-film apparatus at a temperature of 45...50 °C to a content of 28...30 % of dry substances within 1.75 2.00 minutes. The organoleptic evaluation of various recipe ratios of the selected raw materials revealed its optimal content in the semi-finished product (Jerusalem artichoke 65 %, cranberry 35 %), which has a uni- form structure, a pleasant aroma of cranberry and Jerusalem artichoke, and its color is red-orange. The obtained fruit and vegetable semi-finished product of a high degree of readiness can be used as a base or additive in various food products of special purpose to increase their nutritional value and provide the products with a health-improving effect. For the production of health-prophylactic peanut paste, a technological manufacturing scheme is proposed with the addition of Jerusalem artichoke and cranberry fruit and vegetable paste to its composition, which will further increase the health-prophylactic properties of the finished product, eliminate the use of sugar and other synthetic stabilizers in comparison with classical technology. The organoleptic evaluation of the received samples of peanut paste with blended fruit and vegetable semi-finished product of a high degree of readiness revealed a rational amount of the semi-finished product at the level of 25 %, while the product has a structured, homogeneous consistency and a pleasant yellow-orange color. The obtained product can be recommended for therapeutic and pre- ventive purposes, as a cholesterol-lowering and immunomodulating agent.
Publication type: Статті у зарубіжних наукових фахових виданнях (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: EUREKA: Life Sciences. 2023. № 1. P. 33-39. DOI: 10.21303/2504-5695.2023.002784
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Published by: Куценко Микола Ігорович
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