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id: 36463
Title: Analisys of studies of multifunctional coatings formation by gas dynamic spraying
Authors: Kucherenko J.
Keywords: gas dynamic spraying, coating formation, surface restoration and protection, melting, composites, powder materials, density, thermal action, gas-flame, electric arc, plasma; detonation, gas dynamic.
Date of publication: 2024-06-04 10:42:19
Last changes: 2024-06-04 10:42:19
Year of publication: 2022
Summary: The article considers a progressive gas dynamic method for functional coatings formation. Theoretical analysis of methods of restoration coatings deposition on worn parts was carried out in order to determine the advantages and disadvantages of these methods, the method of gas dynamic spraying was characterized, the feasibility of implementing the technology in industry was determined. This method has a significant advantage over other spraying methods and can be successfully used to improve the performance characteristics of units and mechanisms of technological equipment. The article determines the optimal size of the sprayed copper and aluminum particles, as well as the required speed for carrying out the technological process. The main stages of coating formation by this method are considered. Inspection of modern gas dynamic spraying equipment was carried out. A general scheme of technological process of coating formation by gas dynamic spraying was developed, dependences of the temperature and particles velocity depending on spraying methods were defined: gas-flame (low-speed); electric arc; gas-flame (high-speed); plasma; detonation; and gas dynamic. The results of calculations and experimental values of dependence of aluminum and copper particles velocity on the obstacle surface on the size of these particles are presented. The article defines typical characteristics of gas dynamicspraying installations of powder materials, after that these machines are analyzed in order to determine the most versatile, economically feasible and efficient installations used in domestic repair units.
Publication type: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Вібрації в техніці та технологіях. 2022. № 4 (107). С. 88-94. DOI: 10.37128/2306-8744-2022-4-11
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