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id: 36696
Title: Sustainable development of territorial communities in the Vinnytsia region
Authors: Pronko L., Furman I., Pidvalna O., Shpykuliak O., Bilokinna I., Kolesnyk T., Tokarchuk D., Berezyuk S., Lebedyev A., Zakharchenko V., Zabolotnyi H., Baldyniuk V., Revkova A., Okhota Y.
Keywords: sustainable development, Vinnytsia region, economy, territorial communities
Date of publication: 2024-06-12 09:01:19
Last changes: 2024-06-12 09:01:19
Year of publication: 2024
Summary: Sustainable development of territorial communities is a process of planning and implementing actions aimed at balancing the economic, social, and environmental needs of the community in order to improve the quality of life of its residents without harming the opportunities of future generations. It involves not only internal improvement of each community but also active cooperation between them. Institutional regulation of entrepreneurial activity, attraction of foreign investments, support for food security, and decentralization are key aspects that ensure harmonious development of any community and region as a whole. Institutional regulation of entrepreneurship affects the stability and transparency of the business environment, which encourages the attraction of both domestic and foreign investors. Specifically, clear and understandable rules help reduce corruption and increase the investment attractiveness of the region. Improving policies for attracting direct foreign investments can lead to an increase in economic activity, job creation, and infrastructure improvement. It also facilitates the transfer of technologies and management skills, which are important components of sustainable development. Food security is the foundation of the health of community residents. Cooperation in this area can involve the joint use of technologies, knowledge, and resources to enhance productivity and efficiency in the agricultural sector. For example, sharing innovations in agrotechnologies or creating joint logistics centers can significantly enhance the capabilities of communities. Decentralization gives communities more authority in solving local issues. Importantly, it also stimulates cooperation among communities in exchanging best practices and management strategies. Joint work on infrastructure projects or social programs can ensure more efficient resource use and greater opportunities for development.
Publication type: Монографії видані за кордоном
Publication: Monograph. Primedia eLaunch, Boston, USA, 2024. 145 p.
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