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id: 38069
Title: Mathematical simulation of the working process of the gas-diesel cycle in the cylinders of the powertech 6068HF250 engine
Authors: Lysenko R.
Keywords: disel engine, the gas-diesel cycle, operational indicators, liquefied petroleum gas, fuel mixture.
Date of publication: 2024-11-29 17:28:51
Last changes: 2024-11-29 17:28:51
Year of publication: 2024
Summary: Today, a trend has been established to expand the use of dual-fuel diesel engines, which is due to their greater efficiency and reduction of toxic emissions into the environment, in particular nitrogen oxides NOx. Modern data from academic research allow us to assert the prospects for the development of the use of gas-diesel engines in agriculture, but there is still no systematic approach to the use of this type of fuel technology. The mathematical model of the working cycle of a gas-diesel makes it possible to determine the optimal indicators in different modes of its load. The purpose of the research: Calculate and analyze the thermal characteristics of the PowerTech 6068HF250 engine using the Hrynivetskyi-Mazing method in the Mathcad environment. The main results of the study: The initial performance parameters of the PowerTech 6068HF250 engine in the gasdiesel engine mode turned out to be similar to the performance indicators of this engine in the pure diesel mode. An increase in engine power was detected when using a fuel mixture. The most promising alternative source in the dual-fuel system was the use of liquefied petroleum gas, due to the wide availability of this type of fuel, its economy and the possibility of minimal conversion using gas cylinder equipment up to the 4th generation. The existing data of scientific research by domestic and foreign scientists allow us to state the prospects for the development of the use of gas-diesel engines, but today there is no systematic approach to the use of this type of fuel equipment in agriculture. However, the conversion of serial diesel engines in agricultural tractors to dual-fuel systems with partial replacement of diesel fuel with reduced petroleum gas, which is the most effective way in terms of economy and operational characteristics, remains an open question. The conclusion of establishing a rational mode of power rationing makes it possible to reduce the dose of spent gas fuel to such an amount that the power is equal to the nominal one.
Publication type: Статті у наукових фахових виданнях України (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Вібрації в техніці та технологіях. 2024. № 2 (113).С. 127-131. DOI: 10.37128/2306-8744-2024-2-14
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