id: 31145
Назва: Conceptual bases of development of management of marketing activity of agrarian enterprises.
Автори: Lohosha R.V.
Ключові слова: marketing, marketing activities, agricultural marketing, marketing management, marketing concept.
Дата публікації: 2022-06-06 13:39:21
Останні зміни: 2022-06-06 13:39:21
Рік видання: 2022
Аннотація: In the current conditions of global transformation, the role of managing the marketing activities of agricultural enterprises is growing. An essential element of effective business is the understanding and use of the concept of marketing in the management of agricultural enterprises. The quality of marketing activities in management is decisive, as it determines the highly profitable rhythmic activities of the enterprise. Studies of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine confirm that the introduction of marketing, although becoming more widespread, but not yet fully used all existing forms of marketing management. That would ensure the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises, adaptation to constant changes in the environment and market conditions, the stability of economic conditions. The success of any agricultural enterprise depends not only on the financial results of its activities, but also on the proper organization of marketing activities and the flexibility of the management system, because under market conditions the company`s management needs market reviews, purchasing power research, sales forecasting calculations of the effectiveness of product advertising. Management, which does not keep up with the dynamic changes inside the enterprise and in the external environment, leads to the "death of ideas" and makes the agricultural enterprise incapable of adaptation and further development, and marketing is an integral part of the enterprise. The scientific basis of management of economic development of agribusiness entities is revealed in the works of Ukrainian economists - V. Andriychuk, I. Balanyuk, I. Grishova, M. Malik, P. Sabluk, A. Tretyak, O. Shpykulyak and other scientists. Theoretical issues of strategic management are covered in the scientific works of M. Albert, O. Amosov, I. Ansoff, J. Zavadsky, M. Meskon, G. Minzberg, G. Mostovoy, G. Odintsova, M. Porter, A. Thompson, A. Fayol and other domestic and foreign authors. Theoretical foundations of marketing management became the subject of research by G. Armstrong, L. Balabanova, O. Varchenko, A. Voychak, O. Hudzinsky,
P. Doyle, G. Kaletnik, S. Kamilova, F. Kotler, J.-J. . Lamben, I. Litovchenko, L. Naumova, M. Oklander, O. Osnach, P. Ostrovsky, A. Pavlenko, I. Reshetnikov, M. Sakhatsky, I. Solovyov, O. Chirva, O. Shpychak, many other domestic and foreign scientists.
Theoretical developments and practical recommendations of these scientists have formed a common methodological basis for marketing management of agricultural enterprises. However, research on the management of marketing activities of agribusiness entities is not sufficiently systematic and complete. In the practice of domestic agricultural enterprises there are a number of shortcomings that reduce the effectiveness of marketing activities. These include: chaotic use of certain elements of marketing, reduction of marketing functions only to stimulate the sale of goods, food, focus on the short term, lack of flexibility and ignorance of consumer demand. To solve these problems, it is necessary to develop measures to promote the sale of products through the formation of a system of sales support and development of agri-food market infrastructure, which would cover the district and regional levels. In these conditions, the role of marketing activities of agricultural enterprises and the need to develop recommendations for the organization and development of marketing tools in agro-industrial production at the enterprise and regional levels, which determines the relevance of this study. The results of the presented research in the monograph are made within the initiative of the Department of Agrarian Management and Marketing of Vinnytsia National Agrarian University "Development of the concept of marketing management of agricultural enterprises" state registration number: 0122U002111 for 2022–2024.
Тип виданя: Монографії видані за кордоном
Видавництво: Monograph. Primedia eLaunch, Boston, USA, 2022. Р. 297-319.
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