id: 34273
Назва: Обґрунтування конструктивно-технологічних параметрів грунтообробного агрегату
Автори: О.В. Червончук
Ключові слова: культиватор, технологія, смуговий обробіток
Дата публікації: 2023-11-08 11:26:52
Останні зміни: 2023-11-08 11:26:52
Рік видання: 2023
Аннотація: Chervonchuk O. Justification of the structural and technological parameters of the tillage unit. – Manuscript. The master`s qualification work presents a fundamentally new design of a tillage unit for pre-sowing strip tillage, which differs from existing designs in that it allows creating a deep-tilled background of a given width and depth in one pass and forming a seed bed for sowing seeds. An analysis of the main technologies of soil cultivation was carried out, the main advantages and disadvantages were indicated The structural and technological parameters of the section of the soil tillage unit are substantiated: with the travel depth of the loosening racks of 20 cm, the sowing depth of 7 cm, the width of the formed seedbed at least 7 cm, the distance between the loosening racks is 20...22 cm. The main structural and technological parameters of the disc harrows are substantiated cleaners: the diameter of the discs D=210 m, the radius of curvature of the rod R = 200 mm, the angle of attack of the discs ad=20°, the depth of their stroke ad=0.023 m. Analytical expressions for determining the traction resistance of the tillage unit were obtained. For the accepted physical and mechanical properties of the soil and reasonable design parameters, the calculated traction resistance of the unit section varies within 85.97...141.26 N. Key words: soil, unit, cultivator, technologies, cultivation, rack, disk, roller, working body, power.
Тип виданя: Дипломні роботи 2023
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