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id: 25293
Title: Problems of consumer lending in Ukraine = Проблеми споживчого кредитування в Україні
Authors: Prylutskyi А.
Keywords: bank marketing, relationship marketing, segmentation, event-marketing, emarketing
Date of publication: 2020-06-22 12:38:39
Last changes: 2020-06-22 12:38:39
Year of publication: 2020
Summary: The development of the banking services market depends on the willingness of banks to change and adapt to customer needs. Banking services are an integral part of the modern market, where buyers are individuals, households and legal entities. Banking services are still an insufficiently formed part of banking entrepreneurship. The purpose of its operation is to increase the income of banks and improve customer satisfaction, expand their purchasing power, which, in turn, contributes to the development of the national economy. But achieving this goal requires the use of scientific principles and effective methods of managing banking services. Some aspects of this issue have been analyzed in the scientific works of domestic economists, but a single comprehensive approach to the management of banking services has not yet been developed. The absence of such an approach reduces the possibility of increasing the profits of banks, reduces their solvency, negatively affects the stability of their financial position. Banking innovations not only attract customers, they also increase the level of competitiveness of the bank, distinguish it from other banks, help meet the needs of customers, which change rapidly under the influence of scientific and technological progress, and reflect the level of intellectual potential of bank staff, opportunities to develop innovative banking products and services.
Publication type: Статті у зарубіжних наукових фахових виданнях (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Annali d’Italia. - Italy : Florence, 2020. - № 8, Vol. 2. - Р. 26-30.
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