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id: 30260
Title: The innovative component of the world investment market development.
Authors: Bago P., Rybak O., Kubai O., Semenova L., Bukina T.
Keywords: investment market, globalization, innovation sector, portfolio investments, international capital movement.
Date of publication: 2021-12-07 10:18:19
Last changes: 2021-12-07 10:18:19
Year of publication: 2021
Summary: Systematic globalization of the world economy caused the necessity of
transformation of the world investment market, the imperatives of which are represented by the
intensification of financial arrangements, an advance increase of national investment markets,
intensive transnationalism, asymmetry of investment activity of world countries, etc. Considerable
significance of the innovative line of investment activity in the world countries has been determined
through the correlation accounting between the volume of exports of high-technology products and
the volume of clean portfolio investments based on the data for 130 countries. We identified 4
country groups: the 1st group is characterized by a strong correlation between the parameters,
indicating the highest level of efficiency of portfolio investments in innovation sectors of economy
growth; the 2nd group is described by the medium correlation between the parameters, which can
result from significant diversification of the investment sources of the development of the economy;
the 3rd group is characterized by a lack investment of high-technology industries of the economy,
which is a gradual reorientation of countries from the manufacturing-based development strategy
through engagement of foreign investments and the need to develop and finance science on other
strategies of development, for which the financing of the economy innovation sectors requires lower
volumes and is not of great priority; the 4th group is characterized by correction retraction between the volumes of high-technology export and the volumes of clean portfolio investments,
which can result from the offshore outsourcing of the economy of these countries.
Publication type: Статті у зарубіжних наукових фахових виданнях (Copernicus та інші)
Publication: Economics and Finance. 2021. Vol. 9. Issue 3. P. 20-33. URL:
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Published by: Адміністратор
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