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id: 33146
Title: Future agrarians’ professional-innovative competence аormation of a mathematical component in crisis conditions
Authors: Levchuk E., Havryliuk N.
Keywords: mathematical training, higher mathematics, distance learning, mixed learning, educational technologies, crisis phenomena in education, methodology of teaching mathematical disciplines, professional training of agricultural specialists
Date of publication: 2023-05-12 18:04:15
Last changes: 2023-05-12 18:04:15
Year of publication: 2023
Summary: Restoration and establishment problems of the educational process in higher education institutions, ensuring the sustainability and continuity of vocational education in war conditions are considered. The article proves the leading role of future farmers’ mathematical component of vocational-innovation competence. Its formation ways in crisis are demonstrated for deepening integration ties in the science-education-production system. Professional and competency model ideas of teaching mathematical disciplines of agrarian profile, which are based on deep integration with a professional-oriented cycle and implemented by introducing remote forms and modern information technologies in the educational process on the basis of its information and computer support, are substantiated. It is established that the idea realization of a professional-competency approach will allow the future specialist to perform qualitatively fulfilled tasks in modern high-tech and intellectual professional professional environment. Future farmers’ mathematical component levels of professional and innovative competence of have been developed. The need to introduce remote forms in the professional training of specialists is substantiated, based on the experience of training obtained during coronavirus infection. The interaction problem and integrity of three components is considered: organizational forms, didactic process and teachers’ qualification. The essence of "professional competence" and "mathematical competence" as components of future farmers’ innovative competence is considered. It is argued that mathematical training is a significant professional competence component. The need to reorient the vocational training system for education fundamentalization and widespread implementation of computer technologies practical-oriented information. It is proved that the process of innovative competence formation of specialists requires the transformation of mathematical courses. One of the important problems is the development, use and implementation of information technologies in future farmers’ mathematical preparation. The impact of mathematical modeling on the readiness formation to solve professional tasks as a component of future farmers’ innovative competence is analyzed. The introducing mathematical modeling expediency on the basis of Mathcad in the process of future farmers’ professional competence formation is proved. Didactic learning principles are analyzed, which, by regulating practice, help combine the pedagogical process. On this basis, the implementation technology of the Mathcad system in the study of mathematical disciplines in agricultural establishments of higher education is modeling.
It is highlightes in what way the generally didactic principles of clarity, science, systematicity, accessibility, consciousness, integration, professional orientation, humanization, advanced learning in the process of using this technology are specified. It is argued that the illustrative and demonstration of practical significance of fundamental concepts contribute to the optimization process of future farmers’ mathematical preparation. The theoretical justification has been carried out and developing experience, using and implementing future farmers’ mathematical preparation technology on the basis of the use of Mathcad mathematical system. Basic didactic requirements are determined and the impact of technology on such mathematical training components as motivational-value, cognitive, operational-activity, communicative. The main mathematical models are highlighted in mathematical courses. Mathematical modeling examples based on Mathcad are given. Introducing mathematical modeling advantages in the process of professional specialists training are demonstrated.
It is concluded that the novelty presented with the help of MathCad system of educational material, illustrative and practical significance of the studied concepts and concepts shapes students’ motivation and creates a positive emotional background. This, in turn, helps to intensify learning, which is closely related to the formation of persistent cognitive interest.
Mathcad system usage in the process of studying mathematics in agricultural establishments of higher education is a method that allows you to take a fundamentally new approach in students` teaching, namely:
- it has at its basis the research nature of students` activity. It is a creative laboratory that allows students to study new objects comprehensively, to distinguish patterns and to formulate generalized statements based on their own observations, which promotes creative, critical and independent thinking development;
- allows students to concentrate on solving meaningful tasks, to reach the level of concepts, concepts, to consider many examples in a short time;
- forms future specialists’ necessary level of knowledge, the ability to analyze, compare, summarize, process available information, associate it with the issues that are studied, thus, forming a mathematical and information culture;
- teaches promptly, taking into account the fast variability of tasks, find the necessary information and effective ways of solving them;
- based on broad communication, erases boundaries and distances, attracts world mathematical and information culture;
- promotes development and self-education skills.
Publication type: Монографії видані за кордоном
Publication: Modern educational technologies in the training of specialists in the agricultural sector during the crisis : Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2023. P. 218-274. DOI:
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